Where It All Began

When I decided to start a large garden as a test run for the Market Farm operation, I needed a place to start.  Although I did want it close to the house, others in the family objected for aesthetics sake.

After looking around our plot, I decided this are in the back corner would be good.  After all, it gets lots of sun, is well drained, and is near some sprinkler lines I can turn into a drip irrigation system.

The brick wall you see was a more or less arbitrary border we put in place when we built for an area for native Texas wildflowers.  Unfortunately, most  years it has been so dry that very few flowers made an appearance, even after seeding.

Due to the large number of foraging deer and oppossums, Iknew I would need a deer fence.  Sheesh, more expenses!

Think I am going to Google deer fences next.

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