Oh – Beans!


Grown from seeds, the beans are maturing nicely and beginning to climb

One of my favorite vegetables are Green Bean.  As I discovered when planning my planting this year ( I admitted I was “green”) was that there are two basic type; pole beans, and bush beans.

Pole Beans need to climb, and take a bit longer to produce.  Yet they will continue producing until the end of the season.  Some say they also have a better flavor.  I’ll let you know.

Bush Beans grow in the form of a Bush and mature at about the same time, making them a single harvest vegetable.

I decided on the Pole Bean so I could hopefully get a longer harvest.

I started these from seed in one of my raised beds to see how things go,  As you can see, they are matureing nicely, and starting to climb.

One of the other things that I have learned is that in the Texas heat and humidity, a mulch helps a lot.  I left two plants with no mulch (grass clippings) while the rest were mulched.  The mulched plants are doing very well, yet the two without mulch are stunted, and are not developing well.  I doubt I will see anything from them.

Fo me, it’s been very exciting to watch these and the other plants grow from seed and mature along the way.  As long as I can keep the deer out of the garden, everything should be fine.

My deer fence is 6 ft tall so I should be ok.

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